East Division Teams Benefitting From Infusion of Youth
[Photo: NLL] In his second NLL season, Zed Williams is finding his footing as a solid contributor for the Georgia Swarm. Out East, the race for the National Lacrosse League playoffs looks slim for Rochester and Philadelphia but many inter-divisional games will provide the back drop for an exciting finish. Again, we celebrate the long overdue infusion of youth this season in the NLL with a look at the newish players and the teams that employ them. BUFFALOBuffalo is cashing in on taking its lumps the last few season with a bunch of young first-year players. The team also has...
West Division Players Making Strides at Midseason
[ Photo: Ryan McCullough] Tor Reinholdt is one of the players in the West Division who has taken a big step forward at the midpoint of the NLL season. The halfway point of the National Lacrosse League season is in our grasp. In the first NLL expansion year since 2009 we have some surprises at mid-season. Through expansion we are getting a good look at some journeymen players taking on larger roles with their new teams. Read along as I break down the West teams and some of the fresh faces making names for themselves as rookies or in new...
Belisle and Duch Provide Positive Media Content for NLL
[Photo: Larry Palumbo] Mitch Belisle playing for the Georgia Swarm. Last Saturday, I was in the “City of Brotherly Love” to attend LaxCon at the Philadelphia Convention Center. As I strolled through the maze of booths I noticed ex NLL player Mitch Belisle working at his Trilogy Lacrosse stand. I don’t know Belisle personally but during his NLL career I remember Mitch as a hard-working American learning the trade of the indoor game with pretty good results. What I recall vividly was a story of a year ago that Belisle had written about his decision to retire. Mitch's expose left...
Expansion Analysis Uncovers Plenty of Fertile Ground In West
Picking up where we last left off in our expansion overview, we head West into less charted NLL waters.
For NLL Expansion, There Are Plenty of Eager Eastern Markets
The latest round of expansion to San Diego and Philadelphia nudges the National Lacrosse League forward in its evolution and brings up the discussion of expansion once more.